第二次沉香工作坊報名 Registration for The Second Agarwood Workshop

再次邀請我們與Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd合作,於2月28日舉辦第二次沉香木體驗工作坊。 這也是我們龍年的第一次活動,請大家盡快報名:


[更新:所有名額已滿,非常感謝大家的支持! ]

We are happy to announce that riding on the success of our last event on Dec 13, we are being invited by Cyberport Hong Kong again to host the second Agarwood Experience workshop in collaboration with Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. on 28/2. This is also our first event in the year of the Dragon, please sign up fast before all slots are gone:


[Update: all available slots are full, thanks a lot for the support!!]