亞洲健康高峰論壇 Asia Summit on Global Health

在香港數碼港的大力支援下,我們很高興也很榮幸在2024年5月16日的亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇的第一天與Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. 簽署試點協議。該協議包括將我們的可追溯系統部署在他們在馬來西亞不同地點的沉香種植園中,以及使用我們的近紅外快速檢測技術對其沉香產品(包括優質精油)進行分級。

我們也很榮幸邀請到馬來西亞駐香港領事館Mr. Yazrin Syakhairi Mahlan,香港首間中醫院院長卞兆祥教授和香港大學中醫藥學院院長馮奕斌教授蒞臨我們的展位並聆聽我們的演講。我們衷心感謝所有光臨與我們交談的客人。

We are thrilled and privileged to sign a pilot agreement with Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. on the first day of Asia Summit on Global Health on May 16, 2024 with big support from Cyberport Hong Kong. The agreement covered trial deployment of our Traceability system to their Agarwood plantations at various locations in Malaysia, and also the use of our Near-Infra-Red Rapid Testing technology for the grading of their Agarwood products including the premium essential oils.

It was also our great honour to have Mr. Yazrin Syakhairi Mahlan, Consulate of Malaysia (Trade) in Hong Kong, Professor Bian Zhaoxiang, Hospital Chief Executive, Hong Kong’s first Chinese Medicine Hospital and Professor Feng Yibin, Director, School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong visited our booth and listened to our presentations. We sincerely thank all guests dropped by and talked to us too.

Coverage by HK Cyberport: https://lnkd.in/gYzSQV4b

Coverage by MATRADE Hong Kong: https://lnkd.in/gvChVEey