斐歷醫藥科技參與香港國際創科展2023 Filix MedTech debuted at the InnoEx 2023!

感謝所有嘉賓參觀我們的展位(3F-C01)以及數碼港在香港國際創科展 2023上的安排。我們很榮幸邀請到孫東教授(創新科技及工業局局長)參觀我們的展位,有機會向他解釋我們的快速中藥檢測技術。此外,很高興接受香港電台第32頻道的節目“凝聚香港”專題報導。

有關報導可到連結瀏覽: https://lnkd.in/g6JaGSeJ

Thank you for all the guests visited our booth (3F-C01) and the arrangements of Cybeport at the InnoEx 2023 today. It’s our honour to have Prof. Sun Dong (Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry) visited our booth and I have a chance to explain our rapid Chinese Medicine testing technology to him. Also, we are happy to be featured by RTHK TV Channel 32 in the programme “凝聚香港” today.

The programme will be available online at: https://lnkd.in/g6JaGSeJ